Dr JIANG Yang is a research scientist with the Institute of High-Performance Computing, Agency for Science, Technology, and Research (IHPC, A*STAR), Singapore. He received his Bachelor's and PhD degrees in electronic engineering from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2013 and 2019, respectively.
He devoted nearly ten years to the development of the partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) method to address various electromagnetic problems in cutting-edge technologies, i.e., heterogenous integrations, periodic structures, radiation analysis, etc., which are well recognized by the experts in computational electromagnetics domain. Besides electromagnetic modelling, his current research interests expand to utilize the PEEC method in developing physics-informed artificial intelligence models, model order reduction algorithms, and equivalent circuit reconstruction for inverse scattering problems.
He is now a Committee Member of IEEE Singapore EMC Chapter and an active reviewer for transactions of T-MTT, T-SIPI, T-EMC, electronic letters, etc.